Saturday 26 April 2014

That Wasn't Me

Today I got the amazing phone call that I was accepted to become a summer camp leader! So excited, I think the world of kids. Seriously how can it not be a symbiotic relationship? They gain fun times and so do you. Anyways, I've been working since I woke up to edit and upload my physics project to YouTube (excluding my time at the doctors today). Btw, I not have an official statement of being an asthmatic. Joy. But at least now when I run I won't be the huffing puffing hufflepuff you see lagging behind the rest of the group (I'm in track and field right now).

I found this song in my subscription box a few hours ago and am obsessed! Listen to which ever you like best and resonates with you. I can't believe Lennon and Maisy are from Canada! Whoot-whoot to my fellow Canadians out there... awks because I bet no one is reading this!!! Haha. Okay toodles.
